Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"The World Without You"

The Clock Ticks without waiting,
I dunno for how long here I have been sitting,
I keep going over the time we spent together,
I am nostalgic and wont recover ever.

Calm eyes staring ragingly in the past,
In your thoughts yet again I am lost,
The time I am myselves are very few,
I either think of those moments or I MISS YOU.

I moan.. I weep.. I wail.. I cry..
I scream your name till my throat goes dry..
Hope just one sound from my soul reaches your heart..
On hearing it you will break all bounds n come to me like a dart..

The day turns dark & The Night turns Blue..
But the sound seems too numb to ever reach you..
The air is heavy & the silence aint new..
You have forgotten & now the promises are due..

Everything around me reminds of your presence..
I actually hate them all cuz of ur absence..
The feelings of you not being here still hurts me..
Hope one day thru my eyes you will see..

I cant breathe & I cant live..
I cant see & I cant feel.. The World without you..

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Cure..

Things just wait and things just go...
Why I am holding on to u I don’t know..
I locked away my feelings a long time ago...
But as time is passing they just seem to grow..

My feelings for u never had died..
I buried them in a closet and threw it in the sea..
They are weak now.. no longer can they hide..
Deep down inside the heart lies the key...

I still remember ur smile as fresh as the dew..
Times when I dint thought about u are very few..
Life goes on with the regret of what happened..
My heart is blunt now.. how can it be sharpened??

Everyday goes away in vain..
Giving me immense heart troubling pain..
My hand just misses the touch of yours everyday..
And my friends say that I should be happy and I should be gay...

You shall reap what you shall sow..
The times have tricked us, I now know..
We could have been better than what is for sure..
Its been ages and I m still hunting for cure..